What is the best linguistic term for describing the kw > p / gw > b change, and its usual companion s > h Infinitely many hats Uses of T extends U? Could IPv6 make NAT / port numbers redundant? How could Catholicism have incorporated witchcraft into its dogma? Grammar of "Nec huic publico, ut opinantur, malo turba tantum et imprudens uulgus ingemuit" If a massive object like Jupiter flew past the Earth how close would it need to come to pull people off of the surface? Compact Mechanical Energy Source Is this story about US tax office reasonable? What does the term “mohel” mean in Hilchot Melicha (salting)? Split polygon using another polygon in QGIS Can a wire having a 610-670 THz (frequency of blue light) AC frequency supply, generate blue light? Plot exactly N bounce of a ball I think I may have violated academic integrity last year - what should I do? A Mathematical Discussion: Fill in the Blank How to prevent bad sectors? Is it...