
Showing posts from May 5, 2019

What are the real rules for choosing between the simple past and past perfect when both actions are in the past?When to use “I was … ” and when “I had been … ”?Past Simple and Past Perfect Simple with 'already'“Until” and past perfectPast Perfect and gerund vs. Past Perfect and Simple PastWhat tense should be used when present/past perfect is used?Sudden shift to present perfect in McCarthy's “The Road”(Past Perfect and Simple past) What is the difference between these sentences?“Ever + past perfect” vs “ever + simple past”Learning about the difference between past simple and past perfectTime frame Past Perfect and Past Simple in 1 sentence

Is it normal for gliders not to have attitude indicators? In "Avengers: Endgame", what does this name refer to? Which version of the Squat Nimbleness feat is correct? Collision domain question Hide livepatch indicator in top panel Is there precedent or are there procedures for a US president refusing to concede to an electoral defeat? All of my Firefox add-ons been disabled suddenly, how can I re-enable them? How can I finally understand the confusing modal verb "мочь"? What are these silver "sporks" for? What is monoid homomorphism exactly? Is there a reason why Turkey took the Balkan territories of the Ottoman Empire, instead of Greece or another of the Balkan states? Installing Debian 10, upgrade to stable later? Was there a dinosaur-counter in the original Jurassic Park movie? What is more safe for browsing the web: PC or smartphone? How to say something covers all the view up to the horizon line? Make me a minimum magic s...