
Showing posts from April 21, 2019

Is there a “higher Segal conjecture”? Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern) Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?Convergence of spectral sequences of cohomological typeFormal-group interpretation for Lin's theorem?Hopf algebras as cohomology of $mathbbCP^infty$, $Omega S^3$ and related $H$-spacesIs every ''group-completion'' map an acyclic map?The cell structure of Thom spectraFailure of “equivariant triangulation” for finite complexes equipped with a $G$-action$RO(G)$-graded homotopy groups vs. Mackey functors(Pre)orientation vs. formal completionmaking the group completion in homology sense unique via the plus constructionIntuition - difference between Moore spectrum and Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectrum

Is there a “higher Segal conjecture”? Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern) Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?Convergence of spectral sequences of cohomological typeFormal-group interpretation for Lin's theorem?Hopf algebras as cohomology of $mathbbCP^infty$, $Omega S^3$ and related $H$-spacesIs every ''group-completion'' map an acyclic map?The cell structure of Thom spectraFailure of “equivariant triangulation” for finite complexes equipped with a $G$-action$RO(G)$-graded homotopy groups vs. Mackey functors(Pre)orientation vs. formal completionmaking the group completion in homology sense unique via the plus constructionIntuition - difference between Moore spectrum and Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectrum 11 2 $begingroup$ The Segal conjecture describes the Spanier-Whitehead dual $D Sigma^infty_+ BG$ for certain $G$ . Is there a similar descrip...

Oratorio Índice Historia | O oratorio como técnica compositiva | Oratorios máis salientables | Véxase tamén | Notas | Menú de navegaciónGrove Music OnlineBertold Hummel work commentaries69952682915ID4129085-9oratoriossh8509529100568918

Formas musicaisMúsica clásica coroorquestraxénerosmúsicabarrocaContrarreformaFilipe Neriescrituras1600século XVIIIgrexaóperabíblicasAntigoNovo Testamentoséculo XVIIorquestrasinfoníaGeorg Friedrich Händel17421749século XVIIIFranz Joseph Haydn17981801masónicoséculo XIXLudwig van Beethoven1803Felix Mendelssohn18381846Robert SchumannFranz LisztHector Berliozséculo XIXséculo XVIIIsalmosStabat MatercompositoresXVIIIXIXevanxelistatenor Oratorio Na Galipedia, a Wikipedia en galego. Saltar ata a navegación Saltar á procura O oratorio é unha composición de estrutura narrativa en que interveñen solistas vocais, coro e orquestra. Baséase sempre en textos de carácter relixioso e, xa que logo, é un dos xéneros da música relixiosa. As primeiras mostras aparecen maiormente durante a época barroca. Normalmente, interprétanse en ver...