How to build suspense or so to establish and justify xenophobia of characters in the eyes of the reader? [closed]
Counterfeit checks were created for my account. How does this type of fraud work? Has a life raft ever been successfully deployed on a modern commercial flight? How many people are necessary to maintain modern civilisation? King or Queen-Which piece is which? Are there any "normal" words with the syllable кы? Non-misogynistic way to say “asshole”? In the US, can a former president run again? Justifying Affordable Bespoke Spaceships Why is oilcloth made with linseed oil? Why is "Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation" necessary? How do I remove this inheritance-related code smell? What triggered jesuits' ban on infinitesimals in 1632? Cut the gold chain Draw a symmetric alien head Improve appearance of the table in Latex What are Elsa's reasons for selecting the Holy Grail on behalf of Donovan? Novel in which alien (Martian?) is trapped on Earth in prehistory Does a proton have a binding ...