
Showing posts from May 29, 2019

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Índice BenvidaCOMOsPreguntas frecuentesComunidadePolíticasArtigos de calidadeAxudaHalifaxNova EscociaCanadáSS  Imo SS  Mont-Blanc buque de cargaexplosivosbaía de Halifaxenseada de Bedforddistrito de Richmondarmas nuclearesDartmouthNova EscociaNovo BrunswickEstados Unidos de AméricaInsuelaLoureiroconcello de Cotobade28 de decembro1905Santiago de Compostela5 de novembro1999galeguista1923linguadicionarioIrmandades da FalaSeminario de Estudos Galegoscatedrático de ensino secundariodepuradofranquismoInstituto de Estudos Galegos Padre SarmientoReal Academia GalegaMuseo do Pobo GalegoConsello da Cultura GalegacronistaGaliciaculturaterritorioantropoloxíaPedrón de OuroMedalla CastelaoPremio TrasalbaPremio Otero PedrayoPremio das Artes e das Letras de GaliciaPremio San Martiño de normalización lingüística7 de xullo2018Día das Letras Galegas2019pasamentoWikipediamultilingüelibreobxectivoverificable Meta-Wiki Commons Ga...

Was murdering a slave illegal in American slavery, and if so, what punishments were given for it?What was the impetus for some African nations to participate in the slave trade?Was there a movement for “humane” slavery?What if a slave entered a state without slavery?What degree of choice did slaves have over their sexual autonomy?What portion of Northerners were against slavery for humanitarian reasons in 1860 America?What was the first civilization to ban slavery?Besides armed insurrection what other resistance was offered by American slaves?Was American slavery economically advantageous primarily due to being able to also sell offspring?In historical slave societies, what jobs were left over for poor free laborers?What was John Hippisley's worldview when he advocated for the slave trade?

Is the capacitor drawn or wired wrongly? What people are called "кабан" and why? Is there a way to save this session? Estimate related to the Möbius function What if you don't bring your credit card or debit for incidentals? Why is Colorado so different politically from nearby states? Pros and cons of writing a book review? What should I do about a religious player who refuses to accept the existence of multiple gods in D&D? Humans meet a distant alien species. How do they standardize? - Units of Measure How crucial is a waifu game storyline? Can you please explain this joke: "I'm going bananas is what I tell my bananas before I leave the house"? Are grass strips more dangerous than tarmac? Rotated Position of Integers Order by does not work as I expect Are there mythical creatures in the world of Game of Thrones? How do I get a cleat that's stuck in a pedal, detached from the shoe, out? Can The Malloreon be read wit...