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What wise choice does Varys intend to make?

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In Game of Thrones s08e04 we see Varys and Tyrion having a conversation about who would be the best heir for the Iron Throne where Varys seems to try to conspire against Daenerys. Here are the last phrases of their dialogue:

Varys: You know where my loyalty stands. You know I will never betray the realm.

Tyrion: What is the realm? Vast continent home to millions of people most of whom don't care who sits on the Iron Throne.

Varys: Millions of people. Many of them will die if the wrong person sits on that throne. We don't know their names but they are just as real as you and I. They deserve to live. They deserve food for their children. I will act in their interest no matter the personal cost.

Tyrion: So what happens to her? Please ... don't ...

Varys: I have spoken as honestly as I can. Each of us has a choice to make. I pray we choose wisely.

What does Varys's last words exactly mean? What is he planning to do? Does he imply something specific?

share|improve this question

  • 8

    This means that the two last episode will be about... game of thrones.

    – Taladris
    May 7 at 0:20

  • 2

    You also bolded the mention of "personal cost" so presumably also include asking what that is - I don't think the present answers discuss that, unfortunately (it has been discussed explicitly in the show)

    – Glen_b
    May 7 at 4:38

  • 4

    Basically means he is gonna betray Danny.

    – pradyot
    May 7 at 5:50

  • 4

    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because any attempt to answer would be pure guesswork, until after future episodes are aired at which point it would be trivial.

    – Rand al'Thor
    May 7 at 15:23

  • 1

    They're not "documented" at all. No sources whatsoever, just guesswork.

    – Rand al'Thor
    May 7 at 15:53


In Game of Thrones s08e04 we see Varys and Tyrion having a conversation about who would be the best heir for the Iron Throne where Varys seems to try to conspire against Daenerys. Here are the last phrases of their dialogue:

Varys: You know where my loyalty stands. You know I will never betray the realm.

Tyrion: What is the realm? Vast continent home to millions of people most of whom don't care who sits on the Iron Throne.

Varys: Millions of people. Many of them will die if the wrong person sits on that throne. We don't know their names but they are just as real as you and I. They deserve to live. They deserve food for their children. I will act in their interest no matter the personal cost.

Tyrion: So what happens to her? Please ... don't ...

Varys: I have spoken as honestly as I can. Each of us has a choice to make. I pray we choose wisely.

What does Varys's last words exactly mean? What is he planning to do? Does he imply something specific?

share|improve this question

  • 8

    This means that the two last episode will be about... game of thrones.

    – Taladris
    May 7 at 0:20

  • 2

    You also bolded the mention of "personal cost" so presumably also include asking what that is - I don't think the present answers discuss that, unfortunately (it has been discussed explicitly in the show)

    – Glen_b
    May 7 at 4:38

  • 4

    Basically means he is gonna betray Danny.

    – pradyot
    May 7 at 5:50

  • 4

    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because any attempt to answer would be pure guesswork, until after future episodes are aired at which point it would be trivial.

    – Rand al'Thor
    May 7 at 15:23

  • 1

    They're not "documented" at all. No sources whatsoever, just guesswork.

    – Rand al'Thor
    May 7 at 15:53





In Game of Thrones s08e04 we see Varys and Tyrion having a conversation about who would be the best heir for the Iron Throne where Varys seems to try to conspire against Daenerys. Here are the last phrases of their dialogue:

Varys: You know where my loyalty stands. You know I will never betray the realm.

Tyrion: What is the realm? Vast continent home to millions of people most of whom don't care who sits on the Iron Throne.

Varys: Millions of people. Many of them will die if the wrong person sits on that throne. We don't know their names but they are just as real as you and I. They deserve to live. They deserve food for their children. I will act in their interest no matter the personal cost.

Tyrion: So what happens to her? Please ... don't ...

Varys: I have spoken as honestly as I can. Each of us has a choice to make. I pray we choose wisely.

What does Varys's last words exactly mean? What is he planning to do? Does he imply something specific?

share|improve this question

In Game of Thrones s08e04 we see Varys and Tyrion having a conversation about who would be the best heir for the Iron Throne where Varys seems to try to conspire against Daenerys. Here are the last phrases of their dialogue:

Varys: You know where my loyalty stands. You know I will never betray the realm.

Tyrion: What is the realm? Vast continent home to millions of people most of whom don't care who sits on the Iron Throne.

Varys: Millions of people. Many of them will die if the wrong person sits on that throne. We don't know their names but they are just as real as you and I. They deserve to live. They deserve food for their children. I will act in their interest no matter the personal cost.

Tyrion: So what happens to her? Please ... don't ...

Varys: I have spoken as honestly as I can. Each of us has a choice to make. I pray we choose wisely.

What does Varys's last words exactly mean? What is he planning to do? Does he imply something specific?

dialogue game-of-thrones

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited May 7 at 10:20


asked May 6 at 19:57




  • 8

    This means that the two last episode will be about... game of thrones.

    – Taladris
    May 7 at 0:20

  • 2

    You also bolded the mention of "personal cost" so presumably also include asking what that is - I don't think the present answers discuss that, unfortunately (it has been discussed explicitly in the show)

    – Glen_b
    May 7 at 4:38

  • 4

    Basically means he is gonna betray Danny.

    – pradyot
    May 7 at 5:50

  • 4

    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because any attempt to answer would be pure guesswork, until after future episodes are aired at which point it would be trivial.

    – Rand al'Thor
    May 7 at 15:23

  • 1

    They're not "documented" at all. No sources whatsoever, just guesswork.

    – Rand al'Thor
    May 7 at 15:53

  • 8

    This means that the two last episode will be about... game of thrones.

    – Taladris
    May 7 at 0:20

  • 2

    You also bolded the mention of "personal cost" so presumably also include asking what that is - I don't think the present answers discuss that, unfortunately (it has been discussed explicitly in the show)

    – Glen_b
    May 7 at 4:38

  • 4

    Basically means he is gonna betray Danny.

    – pradyot
    May 7 at 5:50

  • 4

    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because any attempt to answer would be pure guesswork, until after future episodes are aired at which point it would be trivial.

    – Rand al'Thor
    May 7 at 15:23

  • 1

    They're not "documented" at all. No sources whatsoever, just guesswork.

    – Rand al'Thor
    May 7 at 15:53



This means that the two last episode will be about... game of thrones.

– Taladris
May 7 at 0:20

This means that the two last episode will be about... game of thrones.

– Taladris
May 7 at 0:20



You also bolded the mention of "personal cost" so presumably also include asking what that is - I don't think the present answers discuss that, unfortunately (it has been discussed explicitly in the show)

– Glen_b
May 7 at 4:38

You also bolded the mention of "personal cost" so presumably also include asking what that is - I don't think the present answers discuss that, unfortunately (it has been discussed explicitly in the show)

– Glen_b
May 7 at 4:38



Basically means he is gonna betray Danny.

– pradyot
May 7 at 5:50

Basically means he is gonna betray Danny.

– pradyot
May 7 at 5:50



I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because any attempt to answer would be pure guesswork, until after future episodes are aired at which point it would be trivial.

– Rand al'Thor
May 7 at 15:23

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because any attempt to answer would be pure guesswork, until after future episodes are aired at which point it would be trivial.

– Rand al'Thor
May 7 at 15:23



They're not "documented" at all. No sources whatsoever, just guesswork.

– Rand al'Thor
May 7 at 15:53

They're not "documented" at all. No sources whatsoever, just guesswork.

– Rand al'Thor
May 7 at 15:53

3 Answers





If Jon is to be put on the throne the only option for Daenerys is to kill her, because she's too dangerous with her dragons and people who would continue to support her, which could well include Jon. So the insinuation and what Tyrion is pleading against is that Varys would try to assassinate her.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Some good material over here: refinery29.com/en-us/2019/05/231839/…

    – Daeron
    May 6 at 22:48

  • 2

    About that plural on "dragons"... ;-)

    – T.J. Crowder
    May 7 at 14:11


Lord Varys wants to see people happy and is thinking about normal people.

Daenerys kind of reminds him of the Mad King, who wanted to burn everything and everyone, Cersei burnt the Sept, Joffrey was crazy.

Daenerys could burn the place down and lots of innocent people will die. However, Varys is hinting to Tyrion that Jon Snow would be a better king (after finding out he's a Targaryen) because he is a more rational person, based on his previous experiences beyond the Wall, Castle Black, Hardhome, as King in the North, and would care about the people, and would be a better king.

The choice is to choose who sits on the throne, and Varys has made his decision and it's not Daenerys.

share|improve this answer

  • Yeah this is what he actually tells to Tyrion during their discussion. However the question is what is he planning to do to make that happen? Which are his intentions for the future?

    – MJ13
    May 6 at 20:13

  • 10

    That part is still unknown for now.

    – StackOne
    May 6 at 20:14

  • 1

    @StackOne is correct, there's no indication that Varys has made a final decision already. He says "each of us has a choice to make", not "one of us has a choice to make".

    – Nuclear Wang
    May 7 at 12:25


Varys is going to reveal the information that Jon is a Targaryen and he should sit on the Iron Throne.

share|improve this answer

  • 2

    It seems more likely that Varys is going to attempt to assassinate Dany so there isn't any competition for Jon. In fact Tyrion's reaction and the fact Varys already considers it information backs this up.

    – TheLethalCarrot
    May 8 at 8:44

3 Answers




3 Answers











If Jon is to be put on the throne the only option for Daenerys is to kill her, because she's too dangerous with her dragons and people who would continue to support her, which could well include Jon. So the insinuation and what Tyrion is pleading against is that Varys would try to assassinate her.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Some good material over here: refinery29.com/en-us/2019/05/231839/…

    – Daeron
    May 6 at 22:48

  • 2

    About that plural on "dragons"... ;-)

    – T.J. Crowder
    May 7 at 14:11


If Jon is to be put on the throne the only option for Daenerys is to kill her, because she's too dangerous with her dragons and people who would continue to support her, which could well include Jon. So the insinuation and what Tyrion is pleading against is that Varys would try to assassinate her.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Some good material over here: refinery29.com/en-us/2019/05/231839/…

    – Daeron
    May 6 at 22:48

  • 2

    About that plural on "dragons"... ;-)

    – T.J. Crowder
    May 7 at 14:11




If Jon is to be put on the throne the only option for Daenerys is to kill her, because she's too dangerous with her dragons and people who would continue to support her, which could well include Jon. So the insinuation and what Tyrion is pleading against is that Varys would try to assassinate her.

share|improve this answer

If Jon is to be put on the throne the only option for Daenerys is to kill her, because she's too dangerous with her dragons and people who would continue to support her, which could well include Jon. So the insinuation and what Tyrion is pleading against is that Varys would try to assassinate her.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered May 6 at 20:52




  • 1

    Some good material over here: refinery29.com/en-us/2019/05/231839/…

    – Daeron
    May 6 at 22:48

  • 2

    About that plural on "dragons"... ;-)

    – T.J. Crowder
    May 7 at 14:11

  • 1

    Some good material over here: refinery29.com/en-us/2019/05/231839/…

    – Daeron
    May 6 at 22:48

  • 2

    About that plural on "dragons"... ;-)

    – T.J. Crowder
    May 7 at 14:11



Some good material over here: refinery29.com/en-us/2019/05/231839/…

– Daeron
May 6 at 22:48

Some good material over here: refinery29.com/en-us/2019/05/231839/…

– Daeron
May 6 at 22:48



About that plural on "dragons"... ;-)

– T.J. Crowder
May 7 at 14:11

About that plural on "dragons"... ;-)

– T.J. Crowder
May 7 at 14:11


Lord Varys wants to see people happy and is thinking about normal people.

Daenerys kind of reminds him of the Mad King, who wanted to burn everything and everyone, Cersei burnt the Sept, Joffrey was crazy.

Daenerys could burn the place down and lots of innocent people will die. However, Varys is hinting to Tyrion that Jon Snow would be a better king (after finding out he's a Targaryen) because he is a more rational person, based on his previous experiences beyond the Wall, Castle Black, Hardhome, as King in the North, and would care about the people, and would be a better king.

The choice is to choose who sits on the throne, and Varys has made his decision and it's not Daenerys.

share|improve this answer

  • Yeah this is what he actually tells to Tyrion during their discussion. However the question is what is he planning to do to make that happen? Which are his intentions for the future?

    – MJ13
    May 6 at 20:13

  • 10

    That part is still unknown for now.

    – StackOne
    May 6 at 20:14

  • 1

    @StackOne is correct, there's no indication that Varys has made a final decision already. He says "each of us has a choice to make", not "one of us has a choice to make".

    – Nuclear Wang
    May 7 at 12:25


Lord Varys wants to see people happy and is thinking about normal people.

Daenerys kind of reminds him of the Mad King, who wanted to burn everything and everyone, Cersei burnt the Sept, Joffrey was crazy.

Daenerys could burn the place down and lots of innocent people will die. However, Varys is hinting to Tyrion that Jon Snow would be a better king (after finding out he's a Targaryen) because he is a more rational person, based on his previous experiences beyond the Wall, Castle Black, Hardhome, as King in the North, and would care about the people, and would be a better king.

The choice is to choose who sits on the throne, and Varys has made his decision and it's not Daenerys.

share|improve this answer

  • Yeah this is what he actually tells to Tyrion during their discussion. However the question is what is he planning to do to make that happen? Which are his intentions for the future?

    – MJ13
    May 6 at 20:13

  • 10

    That part is still unknown for now.

    – StackOne
    May 6 at 20:14

  • 1

    @StackOne is correct, there's no indication that Varys has made a final decision already. He says "each of us has a choice to make", not "one of us has a choice to make".

    – Nuclear Wang
    May 7 at 12:25




Lord Varys wants to see people happy and is thinking about normal people.

Daenerys kind of reminds him of the Mad King, who wanted to burn everything and everyone, Cersei burnt the Sept, Joffrey was crazy.

Daenerys could burn the place down and lots of innocent people will die. However, Varys is hinting to Tyrion that Jon Snow would be a better king (after finding out he's a Targaryen) because he is a more rational person, based on his previous experiences beyond the Wall, Castle Black, Hardhome, as King in the North, and would care about the people, and would be a better king.

The choice is to choose who sits on the throne, and Varys has made his decision and it's not Daenerys.

share|improve this answer

Lord Varys wants to see people happy and is thinking about normal people.

Daenerys kind of reminds him of the Mad King, who wanted to burn everything and everyone, Cersei burnt the Sept, Joffrey was crazy.

Daenerys could burn the place down and lots of innocent people will die. However, Varys is hinting to Tyrion that Jon Snow would be a better king (after finding out he's a Targaryen) because he is a more rational person, based on his previous experiences beyond the Wall, Castle Black, Hardhome, as King in the North, and would care about the people, and would be a better king.

The choice is to choose who sits on the throne, and Varys has made his decision and it's not Daenerys.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

edited May 7 at 0:19




answered May 6 at 20:08




  • Yeah this is what he actually tells to Tyrion during their discussion. However the question is what is he planning to do to make that happen? Which are his intentions for the future?

    – MJ13
    May 6 at 20:13

  • 10

    That part is still unknown for now.

    – StackOne
    May 6 at 20:14

  • 1

    @StackOne is correct, there's no indication that Varys has made a final decision already. He says "each of us has a choice to make", not "one of us has a choice to make".

    – Nuclear Wang
    May 7 at 12:25

  • Yeah this is what he actually tells to Tyrion during their discussion. However the question is what is he planning to do to make that happen? Which are his intentions for the future?

    – MJ13
    May 6 at 20:13

  • 10

    That part is still unknown for now.

    – StackOne
    May 6 at 20:14

  • 1

    @StackOne is correct, there's no indication that Varys has made a final decision already. He says "each of us has a choice to make", not "one of us has a choice to make".

    – Nuclear Wang
    May 7 at 12:25

Yeah this is what he actually tells to Tyrion during their discussion. However the question is what is he planning to do to make that happen? Which are his intentions for the future?

– MJ13
May 6 at 20:13

Yeah this is what he actually tells to Tyrion during their discussion. However the question is what is he planning to do to make that happen? Which are his intentions for the future?

– MJ13
May 6 at 20:13



That part is still unknown for now.

– StackOne
May 6 at 20:14

That part is still unknown for now.

– StackOne
May 6 at 20:14



@StackOne is correct, there's no indication that Varys has made a final decision already. He says "each of us has a choice to make", not "one of us has a choice to make".

– Nuclear Wang
May 7 at 12:25

@StackOne is correct, there's no indication that Varys has made a final decision already. He says "each of us has a choice to make", not "one of us has a choice to make".

– Nuclear Wang
May 7 at 12:25


Varys is going to reveal the information that Jon is a Targaryen and he should sit on the Iron Throne.

share|improve this answer

  • 2

    It seems more likely that Varys is going to attempt to assassinate Dany so there isn't any competition for Jon. In fact Tyrion's reaction and the fact Varys already considers it information backs this up.

    – TheLethalCarrot
    May 8 at 8:44


Varys is going to reveal the information that Jon is a Targaryen and he should sit on the Iron Throne.

share|improve this answer

  • 2

    It seems more likely that Varys is going to attempt to assassinate Dany so there isn't any competition for Jon. In fact Tyrion's reaction and the fact Varys already considers it information backs this up.

    – TheLethalCarrot
    May 8 at 8:44




Varys is going to reveal the information that Jon is a Targaryen and he should sit on the Iron Throne.

share|improve this answer

Varys is going to reveal the information that Jon is a Targaryen and he should sit on the Iron Throne.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

edited May 8 at 8:40




answered May 8 at 8:18

Vadim YangunaevVadim Yangunaev



  • 2

    It seems more likely that Varys is going to attempt to assassinate Dany so there isn't any competition for Jon. In fact Tyrion's reaction and the fact Varys already considers it information backs this up.

    – TheLethalCarrot
    May 8 at 8:44

  • 2

    It seems more likely that Varys is going to attempt to assassinate Dany so there isn't any competition for Jon. In fact Tyrion's reaction and the fact Varys already considers it information backs this up.

    – TheLethalCarrot
    May 8 at 8:44



It seems more likely that Varys is going to attempt to assassinate Dany so there isn't any competition for Jon. In fact Tyrion's reaction and the fact Varys already considers it information backs this up.

– TheLethalCarrot
May 8 at 8:44

It seems more likely that Varys is going to attempt to assassinate Dany so there isn't any competition for Jon. In fact Tyrion's reaction and the fact Varys already considers it information backs this up.

– TheLethalCarrot
May 8 at 8:44

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Club Baloncesto Breogán Índice Historia | Pavillón | Nome | O Breogán na cultura popular | Xogadores | Adestradores | Presidentes | Palmarés | Historial | Líderes | Notas | Véxase tamén | Menú de navegacióncbbreogan.galCadroGuía oficial da ACB 2009-10, páxina 201Guía oficial ACB 1992, páxina 183. Editorial DB.É de 6.500 espectadores sentados axeitándose á última normativa"Estudiantes Junior, entre as mellores canteiras"o orixinalHemeroteca El Mundo Deportivo, 16 setembro de 1970, páxina 12Historia do BreogánAlfredo Pérez, o último canoneiroHistoria C.B. BreogánHemeroteca de El Mundo DeportivoJimmy Wright, norteamericano do Breogán deixará Lugo por ameazas de morteResultados de Breogán en 1986-87Resultados de Breogán en 1990-91Ficha de Velimir Perasović en acb.comResultados de Breogán en 1994-95Breogán arrasa al Barça. "El Mundo Deportivo", 27 de setembro de 1999, páxina 58CB Breogán - FC BarcelonaA FEB invita a participar nunha nova Liga EuropeaCharlie Bell na prensa estatalMáximos anotadores 2005Tempada 2005-06 : Tódolos Xogadores da Xornada""Non quero pensar nunha man negra, mais pregúntome que está a pasar""o orixinalRaúl López, orgulloso dos xogadores, presume da boa saúde económica do BreogánJulio González confirma que cesa como presidente del BreogánHomenaxe a Lisardo GómezA tempada do rexurdimento celesteEntrevista a Lisardo GómezEl COB dinamita el Pazo para forzar el quinto (69-73)Cafés Candelas, patrocinador del CB Breogán"Suso Lázare, novo presidente do Breogán"o orixinalCafés Candelas Breogán firma el mayor triunfo de la historiaEl Breogán realizará 17 homenajes por su cincuenta aniversario"O Breogán honra ao seu fundador e primeiro presidente"o orixinalMiguel Giao recibiu a homenaxe do PazoHomenaxe aos primeiros gladiadores celestesO home que nos amosa como ver o Breo co corazónTita Franco será homenaxeada polos #50anosdeBreoJulio Vila recibirá unha homenaxe in memoriam polos #50anosdeBreo"O Breogán homenaxeará aos seus aboados máis veteráns"Pechada ovación a «Capi» Sanmartín e Ricardo «Corazón de González»Homenaxe por décadas de informaciónPaco García volve ao Pazo con motivo do 50 aniversario"Resultados y clasificaciones""O Cafés Candelas Breogán, campión da Copa Princesa""O Cafés Candelas Breogán, equipo ACB"C.B. Breogán"Proxecto social"o orixinal"Centros asociados"o orixinalFicha en imdb.comMario Camus trata la recuperación del amor en 'La vieja música', su última película"Páxina web oficial""Club Baloncesto Breogán""C. B. Breogán S.A.D."eehttp://www.fegaba.com

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