How can I allow one user to su to another without allowing root access?How can I create an “su” only user (no SSH or SFTP) and limit who can “su” into that account in RHEL5?allow a user to run command as another user without any password promptAllow user act as root, so he does not need to use sudo each time?Our security auditor is an idiot. How do I give him the information he wants?How to sudo as another user, without specifying the usernameHow can I create an “su” only user (no SSH or SFTP) and limit who can “su” into that account in RHEL5?sudo su - <username> should be possible but sudo su - shouldn't be for sudo userDoes my Oracle DBA need root access?How can I implement ansible with per-host passwords, securely?Allow linux root user mysql root access without passwordsudo permissions without root accessHow to sudo another user without password

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How can I allow one user to su to another without allowing root access?

How can I create an “su” only user (no SSH or SFTP) and limit who can “su” into that account in RHEL5?allow a user to run command as another user without any password promptAllow user act as root, so he does not need to use sudo each time?Our security auditor is an idiot. How do I give him the information he wants?How to sudo as another user, without specifying the usernameHow can I create an “su” only user (no SSH or SFTP) and limit who can “su” into that account in RHEL5?sudo su - <username> should be possible but sudo su - shouldn't be for sudo userDoes my Oracle DBA need root access?How can I implement ansible with per-host passwords, securely?Allow linux root user mysql root access without passwordsudo permissions without root accessHow to sudo another user without password

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty height:90px;width:728px;box-sizing:border-box;


I'd like to allow certain users to su to another user account without having to know that account's password, but not allow access to any other user account (i.e. root).

For instance, I'd like to allow Tom the DBA to su to the oracle user, but not to the tomcat user or root.

I imagine this could be done with the /etc/sudoers file - is it possible? If so, how?

share|improve this question


    I'd like to allow certain users to su to another user account without having to know that account's password, but not allow access to any other user account (i.e. root).

    For instance, I'd like to allow Tom the DBA to su to the oracle user, but not to the tomcat user or root.

    I imagine this could be done with the /etc/sudoers file - is it possible? If so, how?

    share|improve this question





      I'd like to allow certain users to su to another user account without having to know that account's password, but not allow access to any other user account (i.e. root).

      For instance, I'd like to allow Tom the DBA to su to the oracle user, but not to the tomcat user or root.

      I imagine this could be done with the /etc/sudoers file - is it possible? If so, how?

      share|improve this question

      I'd like to allow certain users to su to another user account without having to know that account's password, but not allow access to any other user account (i.e. root).

      For instance, I'd like to allow Tom the DBA to su to the oracle user, but not to the tomcat user or root.

      I imagine this could be done with the /etc/sudoers file - is it possible? If so, how?

      linux security sudo

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Jun 2 '09 at 15:26


      asked Jun 2 '09 at 15:13




          4 Answers





          Yes, this is possible.

          In /etc/sudoers the item immediately following the equals is the user that the command will be allowed to execute as.

          tom ALL=(oracle) /bin/chown tom *

          The user (tom) can type sudo -u oracle /bin/chown tom /home/oracle/oraclefile

          share|improve this answer

          • 5

            This would allow Tom to run commands as oracle, but not to actually become the oracle user

            – gharper
            Jun 2 '09 at 15:20

          • 11

            What about sudo -u oracle su -? That would give him a shell opened as the oracle user. Is that what you want?

            – Brent
            Jun 2 '09 at 15:23

          • +1 for that last comment, Brent. That would be my answer.

            – Annika Backstrom
            Jun 2 '09 at 15:26

          • 3

            Something like the following would work: sudo -u oracle -s or sudo -u oracle -i (-s for shell, -i for login - does a login shell). Unfortunately I don't know offhand what you would use in /etc/sudoers to limit the user, but given that you're allowing them shell access, you probably just want to do tom ALL=(oracle) ALL as someone else mentioned. If they can run a shell, you probably don't care about restriction the commands they can run.

            – Mark
            Jun 3 '09 at 1:59

          • 1

            Ideally, would you not want Tom to run commands as the oracle user, instead of becoming the oracle user? The distinction is slight, but it provides a great audit log without having to futz with using an audit shell.

            – Scott Pack
            Jun 16 '09 at 21:05


          Add to your /etc/sudoers something like

          tom ALL=(oracle) ALL

          Then user tom should be able to use sudo to run things as user oracle with the -u option, without letting tom

          I.e. getting a shell as user oracle (well, given that your sudo is new enough to have the -i option).

          sudo -u oracle -i

          share|improve this answer

          • 5

            I had to use syntax tom ALL=(oracle)NOPASSWD:ALL to make sudo not to ask password

            – snowindy
            Dec 4 '15 at 5:45


          To ONLY provide the capabilities in the question, add the following to /etc/sudoers:

          tom ALL=(oracle) /bin/bash

          Then tom can:

          sudo -u oracle bash -i

          share|improve this answer


            For instance, I'd like to allow Tom the DBA to su to the oracle user, but not to the tomcat user or root.

            I needed to do this to a system recently and had a hard time finding my notes on the alternate setup i used years ago that also allowed the syntax su <user>. In my situation I needed to allow multiple users to su to a specific user.

            Create a group using addgroup <groupName> that other users will be able to su to without a password. Then add that group to each user that you want to be able to su to that user without a password:
            usermod -a -G <groupName> <userName> (or usermod -a -G oracle tom). The group changes might not take affect until next login.

            Note: In your case, you already have the group because oracle group would have been created when you made the oracle user with adduser oracle.

            Now edit /etc/pam.d/su and under the following:

            # This allows root to su without passwords (normal operation)
            auth sufficient

            ..add auth rule lines so the section looks like this:

            # This allows root to su without passwords (normal operation)
            auth sufficient
            auth [success=ignore default=1] user = <groupName>
            auth sufficient use_uid user ingroup <groupName>

            Replace <groupName> with oracle in this case. This will allow any user that is part of the <groupName> to su <groupName>

            Now tom can su oracle and if you need to give other users the same access, add them to oracle group.

            similar question here

            share|improve this answer

              protected by Sven Dec 11 '14 at 22:49

              Thank you for your interest in this question.
              Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site (the association bonus does not count).

              Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead?

              4 Answers




              4 Answers











              Yes, this is possible.

              In /etc/sudoers the item immediately following the equals is the user that the command will be allowed to execute as.

              tom ALL=(oracle) /bin/chown tom *

              The user (tom) can type sudo -u oracle /bin/chown tom /home/oracle/oraclefile

              share|improve this answer

              • 5

                This would allow Tom to run commands as oracle, but not to actually become the oracle user

                – gharper
                Jun 2 '09 at 15:20

              • 11

                What about sudo -u oracle su -? That would give him a shell opened as the oracle user. Is that what you want?

                – Brent
                Jun 2 '09 at 15:23

              • +1 for that last comment, Brent. That would be my answer.

                – Annika Backstrom
                Jun 2 '09 at 15:26

              • 3

                Something like the following would work: sudo -u oracle -s or sudo -u oracle -i (-s for shell, -i for login - does a login shell). Unfortunately I don't know offhand what you would use in /etc/sudoers to limit the user, but given that you're allowing them shell access, you probably just want to do tom ALL=(oracle) ALL as someone else mentioned. If they can run a shell, you probably don't care about restriction the commands they can run.

                – Mark
                Jun 3 '09 at 1:59

              • 1

                Ideally, would you not want Tom to run commands as the oracle user, instead of becoming the oracle user? The distinction is slight, but it provides a great audit log without having to futz with using an audit shell.

                – Scott Pack
                Jun 16 '09 at 21:05


              Yes, this is possible.

              In /etc/sudoers the item immediately following the equals is the user that the command will be allowed to execute as.

              tom ALL=(oracle) /bin/chown tom *

              The user (tom) can type sudo -u oracle /bin/chown tom /home/oracle/oraclefile

              share|improve this answer

              • 5

                This would allow Tom to run commands as oracle, but not to actually become the oracle user

                – gharper
                Jun 2 '09 at 15:20

              • 11

                What about sudo -u oracle su -? That would give him a shell opened as the oracle user. Is that what you want?

                – Brent
                Jun 2 '09 at 15:23

              • +1 for that last comment, Brent. That would be my answer.

                – Annika Backstrom
                Jun 2 '09 at 15:26

              • 3

                Something like the following would work: sudo -u oracle -s or sudo -u oracle -i (-s for shell, -i for login - does a login shell). Unfortunately I don't know offhand what you would use in /etc/sudoers to limit the user, but given that you're allowing them shell access, you probably just want to do tom ALL=(oracle) ALL as someone else mentioned. If they can run a shell, you probably don't care about restriction the commands they can run.

                – Mark
                Jun 3 '09 at 1:59

              • 1

                Ideally, would you not want Tom to run commands as the oracle user, instead of becoming the oracle user? The distinction is slight, but it provides a great audit log without having to futz with using an audit shell.

                – Scott Pack
                Jun 16 '09 at 21:05




              Yes, this is possible.

              In /etc/sudoers the item immediately following the equals is the user that the command will be allowed to execute as.

              tom ALL=(oracle) /bin/chown tom *

              The user (tom) can type sudo -u oracle /bin/chown tom /home/oracle/oraclefile

              share|improve this answer

              Yes, this is possible.

              In /etc/sudoers the item immediately following the equals is the user that the command will be allowed to execute as.

              tom ALL=(oracle) /bin/chown tom *

              The user (tom) can type sudo -u oracle /bin/chown tom /home/oracle/oraclefile

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Jun 2 '09 at 15:24

              answered Jun 2 '09 at 15:18

              Brent Brent



              • 5

                This would allow Tom to run commands as oracle, but not to actually become the oracle user

                – gharper
                Jun 2 '09 at 15:20

              • 11

                What about sudo -u oracle su -? That would give him a shell opened as the oracle user. Is that what you want?

                – Brent
                Jun 2 '09 at 15:23

              • +1 for that last comment, Brent. That would be my answer.

                – Annika Backstrom
                Jun 2 '09 at 15:26

              • 3

                Something like the following would work: sudo -u oracle -s or sudo -u oracle -i (-s for shell, -i for login - does a login shell). Unfortunately I don't know offhand what you would use in /etc/sudoers to limit the user, but given that you're allowing them shell access, you probably just want to do tom ALL=(oracle) ALL as someone else mentioned. If they can run a shell, you probably don't care about restriction the commands they can run.

                – Mark
                Jun 3 '09 at 1:59

              • 1

                Ideally, would you not want Tom to run commands as the oracle user, instead of becoming the oracle user? The distinction is slight, but it provides a great audit log without having to futz with using an audit shell.

                – Scott Pack
                Jun 16 '09 at 21:05

              • 5

                This would allow Tom to run commands as oracle, but not to actually become the oracle user

                – gharper
                Jun 2 '09 at 15:20

              • 11

                What about sudo -u oracle su -? That would give him a shell opened as the oracle user. Is that what you want?

                – Brent
                Jun 2 '09 at 15:23

              • +1 for that last comment, Brent. That would be my answer.

                – Annika Backstrom
                Jun 2 '09 at 15:26

              • 3

                Something like the following would work: sudo -u oracle -s or sudo -u oracle -i (-s for shell, -i for login - does a login shell). Unfortunately I don't know offhand what you would use in /etc/sudoers to limit the user, but given that you're allowing them shell access, you probably just want to do tom ALL=(oracle) ALL as someone else mentioned. If they can run a shell, you probably don't care about restriction the commands they can run.

                – Mark
                Jun 3 '09 at 1:59

              • 1

                Ideally, would you not want Tom to run commands as the oracle user, instead of becoming the oracle user? The distinction is slight, but it provides a great audit log without having to futz with using an audit shell.

                – Scott Pack
                Jun 16 '09 at 21:05



              This would allow Tom to run commands as oracle, but not to actually become the oracle user

              – gharper
              Jun 2 '09 at 15:20

              This would allow Tom to run commands as oracle, but not to actually become the oracle user

              – gharper
              Jun 2 '09 at 15:20



              What about sudo -u oracle su -? That would give him a shell opened as the oracle user. Is that what you want?

              – Brent
              Jun 2 '09 at 15:23

              What about sudo -u oracle su -? That would give him a shell opened as the oracle user. Is that what you want?

              – Brent
              Jun 2 '09 at 15:23

              +1 for that last comment, Brent. That would be my answer.

              – Annika Backstrom
              Jun 2 '09 at 15:26

              +1 for that last comment, Brent. That would be my answer.

              – Annika Backstrom
              Jun 2 '09 at 15:26



              Something like the following would work: sudo -u oracle -s or sudo -u oracle -i (-s for shell, -i for login - does a login shell). Unfortunately I don't know offhand what you would use in /etc/sudoers to limit the user, but given that you're allowing them shell access, you probably just want to do tom ALL=(oracle) ALL as someone else mentioned. If they can run a shell, you probably don't care about restriction the commands they can run.

              – Mark
              Jun 3 '09 at 1:59

              Something like the following would work: sudo -u oracle -s or sudo -u oracle -i (-s for shell, -i for login - does a login shell). Unfortunately I don't know offhand what you would use in /etc/sudoers to limit the user, but given that you're allowing them shell access, you probably just want to do tom ALL=(oracle) ALL as someone else mentioned. If they can run a shell, you probably don't care about restriction the commands they can run.

              – Mark
              Jun 3 '09 at 1:59



              Ideally, would you not want Tom to run commands as the oracle user, instead of becoming the oracle user? The distinction is slight, but it provides a great audit log without having to futz with using an audit shell.

              – Scott Pack
              Jun 16 '09 at 21:05

              Ideally, would you not want Tom to run commands as the oracle user, instead of becoming the oracle user? The distinction is slight, but it provides a great audit log without having to futz with using an audit shell.

              – Scott Pack
              Jun 16 '09 at 21:05


              Add to your /etc/sudoers something like

              tom ALL=(oracle) ALL

              Then user tom should be able to use sudo to run things as user oracle with the -u option, without letting tom

              I.e. getting a shell as user oracle (well, given that your sudo is new enough to have the -i option).

              sudo -u oracle -i

              share|improve this answer

              • 5

                I had to use syntax tom ALL=(oracle)NOPASSWD:ALL to make sudo not to ask password

                – snowindy
                Dec 4 '15 at 5:45


              Add to your /etc/sudoers something like

              tom ALL=(oracle) ALL

              Then user tom should be able to use sudo to run things as user oracle with the -u option, without letting tom

              I.e. getting a shell as user oracle (well, given that your sudo is new enough to have the -i option).

              sudo -u oracle -i

              share|improve this answer

              • 5

                I had to use syntax tom ALL=(oracle)NOPASSWD:ALL to make sudo not to ask password

                – snowindy
                Dec 4 '15 at 5:45




              Add to your /etc/sudoers something like

              tom ALL=(oracle) ALL

              Then user tom should be able to use sudo to run things as user oracle with the -u option, without letting tom

              I.e. getting a shell as user oracle (well, given that your sudo is new enough to have the -i option).

              sudo -u oracle -i

              share|improve this answer

              Add to your /etc/sudoers something like

              tom ALL=(oracle) ALL

              Then user tom should be able to use sudo to run things as user oracle with the -u option, without letting tom

              I.e. getting a shell as user oracle (well, given that your sudo is new enough to have the -i option).

              sudo -u oracle -i

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              answered Jun 2 '09 at 15:26

              Kjetil JoergensenKjetil Joergensen



              • 5

                I had to use syntax tom ALL=(oracle)NOPASSWD:ALL to make sudo not to ask password

                – snowindy
                Dec 4 '15 at 5:45

              • 5

                I had to use syntax tom ALL=(oracle)NOPASSWD:ALL to make sudo not to ask password

                – snowindy
                Dec 4 '15 at 5:45



              I had to use syntax tom ALL=(oracle)NOPASSWD:ALL to make sudo not to ask password

              – snowindy
              Dec 4 '15 at 5:45

              I had to use syntax tom ALL=(oracle)NOPASSWD:ALL to make sudo not to ask password

              – snowindy
              Dec 4 '15 at 5:45


              To ONLY provide the capabilities in the question, add the following to /etc/sudoers:

              tom ALL=(oracle) /bin/bash

              Then tom can:

              sudo -u oracle bash -i

              share|improve this answer


                To ONLY provide the capabilities in the question, add the following to /etc/sudoers:

                tom ALL=(oracle) /bin/bash

                Then tom can:

                sudo -u oracle bash -i

                share|improve this answer




                  To ONLY provide the capabilities in the question, add the following to /etc/sudoers:

                  tom ALL=(oracle) /bin/bash

                  Then tom can:

                  sudo -u oracle bash -i

                  share|improve this answer

                  To ONLY provide the capabilities in the question, add the following to /etc/sudoers:

                  tom ALL=(oracle) /bin/bash

                  Then tom can:

                  sudo -u oracle bash -i

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered Dec 11 '14 at 22:44





                      For instance, I'd like to allow Tom the DBA to su to the oracle user, but not to the tomcat user or root.

                      I needed to do this to a system recently and had a hard time finding my notes on the alternate setup i used years ago that also allowed the syntax su <user>. In my situation I needed to allow multiple users to su to a specific user.

                      Create a group using addgroup <groupName> that other users will be able to su to without a password. Then add that group to each user that you want to be able to su to that user without a password:
                      usermod -a -G <groupName> <userName> (or usermod -a -G oracle tom). The group changes might not take affect until next login.

                      Note: In your case, you already have the group because oracle group would have been created when you made the oracle user with adduser oracle.

                      Now edit /etc/pam.d/su and under the following:

                      # This allows root to su without passwords (normal operation)
                      auth sufficient

                      ..add auth rule lines so the section looks like this:

                      # This allows root to su without passwords (normal operation)
                      auth sufficient
                      auth [success=ignore default=1] user = <groupName>
                      auth sufficient use_uid user ingroup <groupName>

                      Replace <groupName> with oracle in this case. This will allow any user that is part of the <groupName> to su <groupName>

                      Now tom can su oracle and if you need to give other users the same access, add them to oracle group.

                      similar question here

                      share|improve this answer


                        For instance, I'd like to allow Tom the DBA to su to the oracle user, but not to the tomcat user or root.

                        I needed to do this to a system recently and had a hard time finding my notes on the alternate setup i used years ago that also allowed the syntax su <user>. In my situation I needed to allow multiple users to su to a specific user.

                        Create a group using addgroup <groupName> that other users will be able to su to without a password. Then add that group to each user that you want to be able to su to that user without a password:
                        usermod -a -G <groupName> <userName> (or usermod -a -G oracle tom). The group changes might not take affect until next login.

                        Note: In your case, you already have the group because oracle group would have been created when you made the oracle user with adduser oracle.

                        Now edit /etc/pam.d/su and under the following:

                        # This allows root to su without passwords (normal operation)
                        auth sufficient

                        ..add auth rule lines so the section looks like this:

                        # This allows root to su without passwords (normal operation)
                        auth sufficient
                        auth [success=ignore default=1] user = <groupName>
                        auth sufficient use_uid user ingroup <groupName>

                        Replace <groupName> with oracle in this case. This will allow any user that is part of the <groupName> to su <groupName>

                        Now tom can su oracle and if you need to give other users the same access, add them to oracle group.

                        similar question here

                        share|improve this answer




                          For instance, I'd like to allow Tom the DBA to su to the oracle user, but not to the tomcat user or root.

                          I needed to do this to a system recently and had a hard time finding my notes on the alternate setup i used years ago that also allowed the syntax su <user>. In my situation I needed to allow multiple users to su to a specific user.

                          Create a group using addgroup <groupName> that other users will be able to su to without a password. Then add that group to each user that you want to be able to su to that user without a password:
                          usermod -a -G <groupName> <userName> (or usermod -a -G oracle tom). The group changes might not take affect until next login.

                          Note: In your case, you already have the group because oracle group would have been created when you made the oracle user with adduser oracle.

                          Now edit /etc/pam.d/su and under the following:

                          # This allows root to su without passwords (normal operation)
                          auth sufficient

                          ..add auth rule lines so the section looks like this:

                          # This allows root to su without passwords (normal operation)
                          auth sufficient
                          auth [success=ignore default=1] user = <groupName>
                          auth sufficient use_uid user ingroup <groupName>

                          Replace <groupName> with oracle in this case. This will allow any user that is part of the <groupName> to su <groupName>

                          Now tom can su oracle and if you need to give other users the same access, add them to oracle group.

                          similar question here

                          share|improve this answer

                          For instance, I'd like to allow Tom the DBA to su to the oracle user, but not to the tomcat user or root.

                          I needed to do this to a system recently and had a hard time finding my notes on the alternate setup i used years ago that also allowed the syntax su <user>. In my situation I needed to allow multiple users to su to a specific user.

                          Create a group using addgroup <groupName> that other users will be able to su to without a password. Then add that group to each user that you want to be able to su to that user without a password:
                          usermod -a -G <groupName> <userName> (or usermod -a -G oracle tom). The group changes might not take affect until next login.

                          Note: In your case, you already have the group because oracle group would have been created when you made the oracle user with adduser oracle.

                          Now edit /etc/pam.d/su and under the following:

                          # This allows root to su without passwords (normal operation)
                          auth sufficient

                          ..add auth rule lines so the section looks like this:

                          # This allows root to su without passwords (normal operation)
                          auth sufficient
                          auth [success=ignore default=1] user = <groupName>
                          auth sufficient use_uid user ingroup <groupName>

                          Replace <groupName> with oracle in this case. This will allow any user that is part of the <groupName> to su <groupName>

                          Now tom can su oracle and if you need to give other users the same access, add them to oracle group.

                          similar question here

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          answered Jun 2 at 11:27




                              protected by Sven Dec 11 '14 at 22:49

                              Thank you for your interest in this question.
                              Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site (the association bonus does not count).

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