Where can I find how to tex symbols for different fonts?Loading fonts in LuaTeX (plain TeX)How to install or replace fonts in old TeX files?Math symbols in plain TeXHow can I use times fonts in Plain TeX?Can I have a list of all fonts available in plain TeX?Using urw-garamond fonts in plain TeXHow is obeylines different from obeyspaces?Where can I find the plain TeX source file on my PC?LaTeX for plain TeX users?Where can I read about the TeX commands not LaTeX commands // Math commands

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Where can I find how to tex symbols for different fonts?

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I'm aware of fonts such as cmr10, cmex10 and cmsy10. Right now I would like to know how to use TeX to produce symbols in the character tables such as http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsmath/symbols/cmex10.html

Is there a dictionary somewhere on the internet containing how to TeX every symbol in character tables given the font? (i.e. Given 'x41' and the font cmr10 I want to obtain 'A', given 'x00' and cmr10 I want to obtain 'textGamma').

P.S. This question is motivated by my attempts to extract text from .tex files. I end up deciding to first convert .tex files to DVI files and then use dviasm to extract the text because it bypasses the need to essentially build another TeX engine.

share|improve this question

  • 1

    Have you considered just using the PDF directly, e.g. with pdf2htmlEX ? There's a comparison of other options here.

    – ShreevatsaR
    Apr 24 at 3:22

  • @ShreevatsaR No, that does not work for me because despite the fact that the HTML is almost perfect I can't extract any characters at all.

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 4:03

  • 1

    I am able to copy characters from e.g. this demo. Of course it only works when they are present in the original PDF.

    – ShreevatsaR
    Apr 24 at 4:36

  • @ShreevatsaR Well, I need to automate the process. Moreover by "copying characters" I include copying non-Latin characters and things such as mathcalA as well.

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 5:16


I'm aware of fonts such as cmr10, cmex10 and cmsy10. Right now I would like to know how to use TeX to produce symbols in the character tables such as http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsmath/symbols/cmex10.html

Is there a dictionary somewhere on the internet containing how to TeX every symbol in character tables given the font? (i.e. Given 'x41' and the font cmr10 I want to obtain 'A', given 'x00' and cmr10 I want to obtain 'textGamma').

P.S. This question is motivated by my attempts to extract text from .tex files. I end up deciding to first convert .tex files to DVI files and then use dviasm to extract the text because it bypasses the need to essentially build another TeX engine.

share|improve this question

  • 1

    Have you considered just using the PDF directly, e.g. with pdf2htmlEX ? There's a comparison of other options here.

    – ShreevatsaR
    Apr 24 at 3:22

  • @ShreevatsaR No, that does not work for me because despite the fact that the HTML is almost perfect I can't extract any characters at all.

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 4:03

  • 1

    I am able to copy characters from e.g. this demo. Of course it only works when they are present in the original PDF.

    – ShreevatsaR
    Apr 24 at 4:36

  • @ShreevatsaR Well, I need to automate the process. Moreover by "copying characters" I include copying non-Latin characters and things such as mathcalA as well.

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 5:16




I'm aware of fonts such as cmr10, cmex10 and cmsy10. Right now I would like to know how to use TeX to produce symbols in the character tables such as http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsmath/symbols/cmex10.html

Is there a dictionary somewhere on the internet containing how to TeX every symbol in character tables given the font? (i.e. Given 'x41' and the font cmr10 I want to obtain 'A', given 'x00' and cmr10 I want to obtain 'textGamma').

P.S. This question is motivated by my attempts to extract text from .tex files. I end up deciding to first convert .tex files to DVI files and then use dviasm to extract the text because it bypasses the need to essentially build another TeX engine.

share|improve this question

I'm aware of fonts such as cmr10, cmex10 and cmsy10. Right now I would like to know how to use TeX to produce symbols in the character tables such as http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsmath/symbols/cmex10.html

Is there a dictionary somewhere on the internet containing how to TeX every symbol in character tables given the font? (i.e. Given 'x41' and the font cmr10 I want to obtain 'A', given 'x00' and cmr10 I want to obtain 'textGamma').

P.S. This question is motivated by my attempts to extract text from .tex files. I end up deciding to first convert .tex files to DVI files and then use dviasm to extract the text because it bypasses the need to essentially build another TeX engine.


share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Apr 23 at 23:36

Ying Zhou

asked Apr 23 at 23:30

Ying ZhouYing Zhou



  • 1

    Have you considered just using the PDF directly, e.g. with pdf2htmlEX ? There's a comparison of other options here.

    – ShreevatsaR
    Apr 24 at 3:22

  • @ShreevatsaR No, that does not work for me because despite the fact that the HTML is almost perfect I can't extract any characters at all.

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 4:03

  • 1

    I am able to copy characters from e.g. this demo. Of course it only works when they are present in the original PDF.

    – ShreevatsaR
    Apr 24 at 4:36

  • @ShreevatsaR Well, I need to automate the process. Moreover by "copying characters" I include copying non-Latin characters and things such as mathcalA as well.

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 5:16

  • 1

    Have you considered just using the PDF directly, e.g. with pdf2htmlEX ? There's a comparison of other options here.

    – ShreevatsaR
    Apr 24 at 3:22

  • @ShreevatsaR No, that does not work for me because despite the fact that the HTML is almost perfect I can't extract any characters at all.

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 4:03

  • 1

    I am able to copy characters from e.g. this demo. Of course it only works when they are present in the original PDF.

    – ShreevatsaR
    Apr 24 at 4:36

  • @ShreevatsaR Well, I need to automate the process. Moreover by "copying characters" I include copying non-Latin characters and things such as mathcalA as well.

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 5:16



Have you considered just using the PDF directly, e.g. with pdf2htmlEX ? There's a comparison of other options here.

– ShreevatsaR
Apr 24 at 3:22

Have you considered just using the PDF directly, e.g. with pdf2htmlEX ? There's a comparison of other options here.

– ShreevatsaR
Apr 24 at 3:22

@ShreevatsaR No, that does not work for me because despite the fact that the HTML is almost perfect I can't extract any characters at all.

– Ying Zhou
Apr 24 at 4:03

@ShreevatsaR No, that does not work for me because despite the fact that the HTML is almost perfect I can't extract any characters at all.

– Ying Zhou
Apr 24 at 4:03



I am able to copy characters from e.g. this demo. Of course it only works when they are present in the original PDF.

– ShreevatsaR
Apr 24 at 4:36

I am able to copy characters from e.g. this demo. Of course it only works when they are present in the original PDF.

– ShreevatsaR
Apr 24 at 4:36

@ShreevatsaR Well, I need to automate the process. Moreover by "copying characters" I include copying non-Latin characters and things such as mathcalA as well.

– Ying Zhou
Apr 24 at 5:16

@ShreevatsaR Well, I need to automate the process. Moreover by "copying characters" I include copying non-Latin characters and things such as mathcalA as well.

– Ying Zhou
Apr 24 at 5:16

4 Answers





An adjunct to the "Comprehensive LaTeX symbols list" is the "rawtables" pdf file that contains font tables for all the fonts covered by that list, arranged in alphabetical order. The font table arrangement shows the location in the font presented to TeX; it does not identify the glyphs by Unicode ID.

The collection is on CTAN: http://mirrors.ctan.org/info/symbols/comprehensive
and the pdf listing comes in either lettersize or a4.

Despite the "LaTeX" in the title, these fonts can be used also with plain TeX.

share|improve this answer

  • Really thanks! I have read it! I still need to find an actual list of TeX code that can generate the respective glyphs. It seems that I need to manually do that. I will do that for at least the most popular fonts.

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 4:12


While the user specifies TeX (for Plain TeX, see SUPPLEMENT), these tables are most easily obtainable via LaTeX, in the format described by the OP at http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsmath/symbols/cmex10.html


enter image description here

The same font table may be alternately obtained via xfonttableOMXcmexmn.

To answer the OP's specific question about the letter A in cmr10,


enter image description here

Just remember though, that for a given encoding scheme, one knows where to find various glyphs, even without printing the font table, especially for standard glyphs such as those available in ASCII.


For the Plain TeX alternative (fontchart.tex, found at https://ctan.org/pkg/fontchart?lang=en), here is the result for cmr10:

enter image description here

enter image description here

share|improve this answer

  • Really thanks for your detailed answer! However I need to identify more than just the glyphs even though they are also something I can only identify manually now. The TeX code that can generate them also need to be identified automatically if possible.

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 4:06

  • 1

    @YingZhou It depends on which direction of decode you need to go. For example, looking at the cmr table, I can see that fontfamilycmrfontencodingOT1selectfontchar"03 will give me a capital lambda. On the other hand, if visually presented with a $Lambda$ and then to figure out what font family it belongs to, which font encloding, and which glyph slot, that is a different problem.

    – Steven B. Segletes
    Apr 24 at 9:55


LaTeX Font Encodings contains font tables for every legacy LaTeX encoding in common use. The modern toolchain with fontspec simply uses the Unicode encoding (under the alias TU).

If you want to be able to copy-and-paste, or otherwise automatically convert, text from a PDF document compiled from LaTeX source, your best bet is to use unicode-math. Then, all your glyphs are already encoded in Unicode.

A font using a non-standard encoding (such as U) should come with documentation. For example, the masfonts manual comes with tables of all its fonts in an appendix.

share|improve this answer

  • Really thanks for the book! I got its TeX code and am trying to figure out how to let them print the code (e.g. 'rightarrow') in addition to the glyphs (e.g. a right arrow).

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 4:08


You could look at the tex4ht files. There are lot of mappings of slot positions to unicode in the hf-fonts. E.g. texmf-disttex4htht-fontsunicodecmcmex.htf contains mappings like this:

'∘' '' 112
'∘' '' 113
'∘' '' 114
'∘' '' 115
'∘' '' 116
'│' '' 117
'┌' '' 118
'║' '' 119
'↑' '' 120
'↓' '' 121

Mappings between slot positions and (la)tex commands are imho much more difficult to optain and maintain as every package/document can change or add commands.

share|improve this answer

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    4 Answers




    4 Answers











    An adjunct to the "Comprehensive LaTeX symbols list" is the "rawtables" pdf file that contains font tables for all the fonts covered by that list, arranged in alphabetical order. The font table arrangement shows the location in the font presented to TeX; it does not identify the glyphs by Unicode ID.

    The collection is on CTAN: http://mirrors.ctan.org/info/symbols/comprehensive
    and the pdf listing comes in either lettersize or a4.

    Despite the "LaTeX" in the title, these fonts can be used also with plain TeX.

    share|improve this answer

    • Really thanks! I have read it! I still need to find an actual list of TeX code that can generate the respective glyphs. It seems that I need to manually do that. I will do that for at least the most popular fonts.

      – Ying Zhou
      Apr 24 at 4:12


    An adjunct to the "Comprehensive LaTeX symbols list" is the "rawtables" pdf file that contains font tables for all the fonts covered by that list, arranged in alphabetical order. The font table arrangement shows the location in the font presented to TeX; it does not identify the glyphs by Unicode ID.

    The collection is on CTAN: http://mirrors.ctan.org/info/symbols/comprehensive
    and the pdf listing comes in either lettersize or a4.

    Despite the "LaTeX" in the title, these fonts can be used also with plain TeX.

    share|improve this answer

    • Really thanks! I have read it! I still need to find an actual list of TeX code that can generate the respective glyphs. It seems that I need to manually do that. I will do that for at least the most popular fonts.

      – Ying Zhou
      Apr 24 at 4:12




    An adjunct to the "Comprehensive LaTeX symbols list" is the "rawtables" pdf file that contains font tables for all the fonts covered by that list, arranged in alphabetical order. The font table arrangement shows the location in the font presented to TeX; it does not identify the glyphs by Unicode ID.

    The collection is on CTAN: http://mirrors.ctan.org/info/symbols/comprehensive
    and the pdf listing comes in either lettersize or a4.

    Despite the "LaTeX" in the title, these fonts can be used also with plain TeX.

    share|improve this answer

    An adjunct to the "Comprehensive LaTeX symbols list" is the "rawtables" pdf file that contains font tables for all the fonts covered by that list, arranged in alphabetical order. The font table arrangement shows the location in the font presented to TeX; it does not identify the glyphs by Unicode ID.

    The collection is on CTAN: http://mirrors.ctan.org/info/symbols/comprehensive
    and the pdf listing comes in either lettersize or a4.

    Despite the "LaTeX" in the title, these fonts can be used also with plain TeX.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    answered Apr 24 at 0:23

    barbara beetonbarbara beeton



    • Really thanks! I have read it! I still need to find an actual list of TeX code that can generate the respective glyphs. It seems that I need to manually do that. I will do that for at least the most popular fonts.

      – Ying Zhou
      Apr 24 at 4:12

    • Really thanks! I have read it! I still need to find an actual list of TeX code that can generate the respective glyphs. It seems that I need to manually do that. I will do that for at least the most popular fonts.

      – Ying Zhou
      Apr 24 at 4:12

    Really thanks! I have read it! I still need to find an actual list of TeX code that can generate the respective glyphs. It seems that I need to manually do that. I will do that for at least the most popular fonts.

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 4:12

    Really thanks! I have read it! I still need to find an actual list of TeX code that can generate the respective glyphs. It seems that I need to manually do that. I will do that for at least the most popular fonts.

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 4:12


    While the user specifies TeX (for Plain TeX, see SUPPLEMENT), these tables are most easily obtainable via LaTeX, in the format described by the OP at http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsmath/symbols/cmex10.html


    enter image description here

    The same font table may be alternately obtained via xfonttableOMXcmexmn.

    To answer the OP's specific question about the letter A in cmr10,


    enter image description here

    Just remember though, that for a given encoding scheme, one knows where to find various glyphs, even without printing the font table, especially for standard glyphs such as those available in ASCII.


    For the Plain TeX alternative (fontchart.tex, found at https://ctan.org/pkg/fontchart?lang=en), here is the result for cmr10:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    share|improve this answer

    • Really thanks for your detailed answer! However I need to identify more than just the glyphs even though they are also something I can only identify manually now. The TeX code that can generate them also need to be identified automatically if possible.

      – Ying Zhou
      Apr 24 at 4:06

    • 1

      @YingZhou It depends on which direction of decode you need to go. For example, looking at the cmr table, I can see that fontfamilycmrfontencodingOT1selectfontchar"03 will give me a capital lambda. On the other hand, if visually presented with a $Lambda$ and then to figure out what font family it belongs to, which font encloding, and which glyph slot, that is a different problem.

      – Steven B. Segletes
      Apr 24 at 9:55


    While the user specifies TeX (for Plain TeX, see SUPPLEMENT), these tables are most easily obtainable via LaTeX, in the format described by the OP at http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsmath/symbols/cmex10.html


    enter image description here

    The same font table may be alternately obtained via xfonttableOMXcmexmn.

    To answer the OP's specific question about the letter A in cmr10,


    enter image description here

    Just remember though, that for a given encoding scheme, one knows where to find various glyphs, even without printing the font table, especially for standard glyphs such as those available in ASCII.


    For the Plain TeX alternative (fontchart.tex, found at https://ctan.org/pkg/fontchart?lang=en), here is the result for cmr10:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    share|improve this answer

    • Really thanks for your detailed answer! However I need to identify more than just the glyphs even though they are also something I can only identify manually now. The TeX code that can generate them also need to be identified automatically if possible.

      – Ying Zhou
      Apr 24 at 4:06

    • 1

      @YingZhou It depends on which direction of decode you need to go. For example, looking at the cmr table, I can see that fontfamilycmrfontencodingOT1selectfontchar"03 will give me a capital lambda. On the other hand, if visually presented with a $Lambda$ and then to figure out what font family it belongs to, which font encloding, and which glyph slot, that is a different problem.

      – Steven B. Segletes
      Apr 24 at 9:55




    While the user specifies TeX (for Plain TeX, see SUPPLEMENT), these tables are most easily obtainable via LaTeX, in the format described by the OP at http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsmath/symbols/cmex10.html


    enter image description here

    The same font table may be alternately obtained via xfonttableOMXcmexmn.

    To answer the OP's specific question about the letter A in cmr10,


    enter image description here

    Just remember though, that for a given encoding scheme, one knows where to find various glyphs, even without printing the font table, especially for standard glyphs such as those available in ASCII.


    For the Plain TeX alternative (fontchart.tex, found at https://ctan.org/pkg/fontchart?lang=en), here is the result for cmr10:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    share|improve this answer

    While the user specifies TeX (for Plain TeX, see SUPPLEMENT), these tables are most easily obtainable via LaTeX, in the format described by the OP at http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsmath/symbols/cmex10.html


    enter image description here

    The same font table may be alternately obtained via xfonttableOMXcmexmn.

    To answer the OP's specific question about the letter A in cmr10,


    enter image description here

    Just remember though, that for a given encoding scheme, one knows where to find various glyphs, even without printing the font table, especially for standard glyphs such as those available in ASCII.


    For the Plain TeX alternative (fontchart.tex, found at https://ctan.org/pkg/fontchart?lang=en), here is the result for cmr10:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited Apr 24 at 2:23

    answered Apr 24 at 0:26

    Steven B. SegletesSteven B. Segletes



    • Really thanks for your detailed answer! However I need to identify more than just the glyphs even though they are also something I can only identify manually now. The TeX code that can generate them also need to be identified automatically if possible.

      – Ying Zhou
      Apr 24 at 4:06

    • 1

      @YingZhou It depends on which direction of decode you need to go. For example, looking at the cmr table, I can see that fontfamilycmrfontencodingOT1selectfontchar"03 will give me a capital lambda. On the other hand, if visually presented with a $Lambda$ and then to figure out what font family it belongs to, which font encloding, and which glyph slot, that is a different problem.

      – Steven B. Segletes
      Apr 24 at 9:55

    • Really thanks for your detailed answer! However I need to identify more than just the glyphs even though they are also something I can only identify manually now. The TeX code that can generate them also need to be identified automatically if possible.

      – Ying Zhou
      Apr 24 at 4:06

    • 1

      @YingZhou It depends on which direction of decode you need to go. For example, looking at the cmr table, I can see that fontfamilycmrfontencodingOT1selectfontchar"03 will give me a capital lambda. On the other hand, if visually presented with a $Lambda$ and then to figure out what font family it belongs to, which font encloding, and which glyph slot, that is a different problem.

      – Steven B. Segletes
      Apr 24 at 9:55

    Really thanks for your detailed answer! However I need to identify more than just the glyphs even though they are also something I can only identify manually now. The TeX code that can generate them also need to be identified automatically if possible.

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 4:06

    Really thanks for your detailed answer! However I need to identify more than just the glyphs even though they are also something I can only identify manually now. The TeX code that can generate them also need to be identified automatically if possible.

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 4:06



    @YingZhou It depends on which direction of decode you need to go. For example, looking at the cmr table, I can see that fontfamilycmrfontencodingOT1selectfontchar"03 will give me a capital lambda. On the other hand, if visually presented with a $Lambda$ and then to figure out what font family it belongs to, which font encloding, and which glyph slot, that is a different problem.

    – Steven B. Segletes
    Apr 24 at 9:55

    @YingZhou It depends on which direction of decode you need to go. For example, looking at the cmr table, I can see that fontfamilycmrfontencodingOT1selectfontchar"03 will give me a capital lambda. On the other hand, if visually presented with a $Lambda$ and then to figure out what font family it belongs to, which font encloding, and which glyph slot, that is a different problem.

    – Steven B. Segletes
    Apr 24 at 9:55


    LaTeX Font Encodings contains font tables for every legacy LaTeX encoding in common use. The modern toolchain with fontspec simply uses the Unicode encoding (under the alias TU).

    If you want to be able to copy-and-paste, or otherwise automatically convert, text from a PDF document compiled from LaTeX source, your best bet is to use unicode-math. Then, all your glyphs are already encoded in Unicode.

    A font using a non-standard encoding (such as U) should come with documentation. For example, the masfonts manual comes with tables of all its fonts in an appendix.

    share|improve this answer

    • Really thanks for the book! I got its TeX code and am trying to figure out how to let them print the code (e.g. 'rightarrow') in addition to the glyphs (e.g. a right arrow).

      – Ying Zhou
      Apr 24 at 4:08


    LaTeX Font Encodings contains font tables for every legacy LaTeX encoding in common use. The modern toolchain with fontspec simply uses the Unicode encoding (under the alias TU).

    If you want to be able to copy-and-paste, or otherwise automatically convert, text from a PDF document compiled from LaTeX source, your best bet is to use unicode-math. Then, all your glyphs are already encoded in Unicode.

    A font using a non-standard encoding (such as U) should come with documentation. For example, the masfonts manual comes with tables of all its fonts in an appendix.

    share|improve this answer

    • Really thanks for the book! I got its TeX code and am trying to figure out how to let them print the code (e.g. 'rightarrow') in addition to the glyphs (e.g. a right arrow).

      – Ying Zhou
      Apr 24 at 4:08




    LaTeX Font Encodings contains font tables for every legacy LaTeX encoding in common use. The modern toolchain with fontspec simply uses the Unicode encoding (under the alias TU).

    If you want to be able to copy-and-paste, or otherwise automatically convert, text from a PDF document compiled from LaTeX source, your best bet is to use unicode-math. Then, all your glyphs are already encoded in Unicode.

    A font using a non-standard encoding (such as U) should come with documentation. For example, the masfonts manual comes with tables of all its fonts in an appendix.

    share|improve this answer

    LaTeX Font Encodings contains font tables for every legacy LaTeX encoding in common use. The modern toolchain with fontspec simply uses the Unicode encoding (under the alias TU).

    If you want to be able to copy-and-paste, or otherwise automatically convert, text from a PDF document compiled from LaTeX source, your best bet is to use unicode-math. Then, all your glyphs are already encoded in Unicode.

    A font using a non-standard encoding (such as U) should come with documentation. For example, the masfonts manual comes with tables of all its fonts in an appendix.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    answered Apr 23 at 23:39




    • Really thanks for the book! I got its TeX code and am trying to figure out how to let them print the code (e.g. 'rightarrow') in addition to the glyphs (e.g. a right arrow).

      – Ying Zhou
      Apr 24 at 4:08

    • Really thanks for the book! I got its TeX code and am trying to figure out how to let them print the code (e.g. 'rightarrow') in addition to the glyphs (e.g. a right arrow).

      – Ying Zhou
      Apr 24 at 4:08

    Really thanks for the book! I got its TeX code and am trying to figure out how to let them print the code (e.g. 'rightarrow') in addition to the glyphs (e.g. a right arrow).

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 4:08

    Really thanks for the book! I got its TeX code and am trying to figure out how to let them print the code (e.g. 'rightarrow') in addition to the glyphs (e.g. a right arrow).

    – Ying Zhou
    Apr 24 at 4:08


    You could look at the tex4ht files. There are lot of mappings of slot positions to unicode in the hf-fonts. E.g. texmf-disttex4htht-fontsunicodecmcmex.htf contains mappings like this:

    '∘' '' 112
    '∘' '' 113
    '∘' '' 114
    '∘' '' 115
    '∘' '' 116
    '│' '' 117
    '┌' '' 118
    '║' '' 119
    '↑' '' 120
    '↓' '' 121

    Mappings between slot positions and (la)tex commands are imho much more difficult to optain and maintain as every package/document can change or add commands.

    share|improve this answer


      You could look at the tex4ht files. There are lot of mappings of slot positions to unicode in the hf-fonts. E.g. texmf-disttex4htht-fontsunicodecmcmex.htf contains mappings like this:

      '∘' '' 112
      '∘' '' 113
      '∘' '' 114
      '∘' '' 115
      '∘' '' 116
      '│' '' 117
      '┌' '' 118
      '║' '' 119
      '↑' '' 120
      '↓' '' 121

      Mappings between slot positions and (la)tex commands are imho much more difficult to optain and maintain as every package/document can change or add commands.

      share|improve this answer




        You could look at the tex4ht files. There are lot of mappings of slot positions to unicode in the hf-fonts. E.g. texmf-disttex4htht-fontsunicodecmcmex.htf contains mappings like this:

        '∘' '' 112
        '∘' '' 113
        '∘' '' 114
        '∘' '' 115
        '∘' '' 116
        '│' '' 117
        '┌' '' 118
        '║' '' 119
        '↑' '' 120
        '↓' '' 121

        Mappings between slot positions and (la)tex commands are imho much more difficult to optain and maintain as every package/document can change or add commands.

        share|improve this answer

        You could look at the tex4ht files. There are lot of mappings of slot positions to unicode in the hf-fonts. E.g. texmf-disttex4htht-fontsunicodecmcmex.htf contains mappings like this:

        '∘' '' 112
        '∘' '' 113
        '∘' '' 114
        '∘' '' 115
        '∘' '' 116
        '│' '' 117
        '┌' '' 118
        '║' '' 119
        '↑' '' 120
        '↓' '' 121

        Mappings between slot positions and (la)tex commands are imho much more difficult to optain and maintain as every package/document can change or add commands.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Apr 24 at 8:05

        Ulrike FischerUlrike Fischer



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