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Taxonomic Serial No.: 553122
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TSN 553122
Taxonomy and Nomenclature
Taxonomic Hierarchy
Geographic Information
//Array variable to store data returned from SOLR server
var dataArray=[];
* @description: javascript callback function which will be called after asynchronous call to SOLR
* @param: SOLR Data
function on_SubordinateTaxaReturn(data)
var docs = data.facet_counts.facet_pivot.product;
var groupDoc = data.grouped.rankID.groups;
var suboradinateTaxa = 0;
var rank = "";
var verifiedStandardsMet =0;
var verifiedMinStandardsMet = 0;
var unverified = 0;
var unverifiedReview = 0;
var credibility="";
var outTable = "";
var rankName="";
var totalVerifiedStandardsMet=0;
var totalVerifiedMinStandardsMet=0;
var totalUnverified=0;
var arrayIndex=0;
var percentStandardsMet="";
var offSiteSources=[];
//the number of rank objects returned from the solr query
var totalNumberOfRanks = docs.length;
//The rank of the item for which the subordinate taxa is being calculated
var searchTermRank = "90";
var pieChartConfig = [];
var dataExists = false;
//HTML Table header
outTable += "