Set hostname using cloudinit for dhcp server: Systemd overrides cloudinit hostnameHow to register hostname via DHCP?registering hostname using DHCPHow does my DHCP server know my machine's hostname when I didn't define one in dhclient.conf?DHCP/DNS hostname changesHow to set environment variable in systemd service?Correctly setting the hostname - Fedora 20 on Amazon EC2Motorola SB6141 assigns IP via DHCP when cable dies; can I prohibit systemd-networkd from using addresses?systemd Using 4GB RAM After 18 Days of UptimeSSH unavailable system bootinglibvirt: set hostname using dhcp in virtual network

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Set hostname using cloudinit for dhcp server: Systemd overrides cloudinit hostname

How to register hostname via DHCP?registering hostname using DHCPHow does my DHCP server know my machine's hostname when I didn't define one in dhclient.conf?DHCP/DNS hostname changesHow to set environment variable in systemd service?Correctly setting the hostname - Fedora 20 on Amazon EC2Motorola SB6141 assigns IP via DHCP when cable dies; can I prohibit systemd-networkd from using addresses?systemd Using 4GB RAM After 18 Days of UptimeSSH unavailable system bootinglibvirt: set hostname using dhcp in virtual network

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;


For a testing environment, I want to connect multiple VMs using DHCP with their hostnames as DNS entrys. The troubleshooting shows that my DNS/DHCP works. But the VM got registered using ubuntu as hostname instead of my own (k8sm in this example):

root@k8sm:~# ping k8sm -c1
PING k8sm ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ubuntu.k8s.home ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.019 ms

Using my k8sm hostname, I didn't get an IP when trying dig +short k8sm.k8s.home @ (where .2.2 is my DNS server).

Cloudinit user-data

hostname: $hostname
fqdn: $hostname.k8s.home

Which is called from my Terraform config file here:

data "template_file" "k8sm-cloudinit-data" 
template = "$file("$path.module/cloudinit/user-data.cfg")"
vars =
hostname = "k8sm"

According to the logs

root@k8sm:~# grep hostname /var/log/syslog
Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-resolved[604]: Using system hostname 'ubuntu'.
Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-networkd[581]: Not connected to system bus, not setting hostname.
Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-resolved[604]: System hostname changed to 'k8sm'.
Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm kernel: [ 3.526063] systemd[1]: Set hostname to <ubuntu>.
Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm dbus-daemon[781]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' requested by ':1.0' (uid=100 pid=581 comm="/lib/systemd/systemd-networkd " label="unconfined")
Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm dbus-daemon[781]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'
Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-hostnamed[844]: Changed host name to 'ubuntu'

it seems that my k8sm hostname is applyed, but got overriden by systemd. Why is this happen and what need to be done to set the hostname correctly for DHCP? The target is to reach the machine using k8sm.k8s.home in this example.

hostnamectl shows me the correct hostname in the VM

root@k8sm:~# hostnamectl status
Static hostname: k8sm.k8s.home
Icon name: computer-vm
Chassis: vm
Machine ID: 001637a6a5e0410f923cb082af1953d2
Boot ID: 853577fa58844d8e900c107cfb0c1dde
Virtualization: kvm
Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
Kernel: Linux 4.15.0-50-generic
Architecture: x86-64

Both host and VM runs 18.04 LTS with KVM 2.11.1.

Another approach I tried

preserve_hostname: true
- hostnamectl set-hostname k8sm
- hostnamectl set-hostname k8sm --static

The idea was to skip cloudinits hostname setting with preserve_hostname and set it manually (later), but the result is the same: VM got registered as ubuntu instead of its new hostname.

share|improve this question


    For a testing environment, I want to connect multiple VMs using DHCP with their hostnames as DNS entrys. The troubleshooting shows that my DNS/DHCP works. But the VM got registered using ubuntu as hostname instead of my own (k8sm in this example):

    root@k8sm:~# ping k8sm -c1
    PING k8sm ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from ubuntu.k8s.home ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.019 ms

    Using my k8sm hostname, I didn't get an IP when trying dig +short k8sm.k8s.home @ (where .2.2 is my DNS server).

    Cloudinit user-data

    hostname: $hostname
    fqdn: $hostname.k8s.home

    Which is called from my Terraform config file here:

    data "template_file" "k8sm-cloudinit-data" 
    template = "$file("$path.module/cloudinit/user-data.cfg")"
    vars =
    hostname = "k8sm"

    According to the logs

    root@k8sm:~# grep hostname /var/log/syslog
    Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-resolved[604]: Using system hostname 'ubuntu'.
    Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-networkd[581]: Not connected to system bus, not setting hostname.
    Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-resolved[604]: System hostname changed to 'k8sm'.
    Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm kernel: [ 3.526063] systemd[1]: Set hostname to <ubuntu>.
    Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm dbus-daemon[781]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' requested by ':1.0' (uid=100 pid=581 comm="/lib/systemd/systemd-networkd " label="unconfined")
    Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm dbus-daemon[781]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'
    Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-hostnamed[844]: Changed host name to 'ubuntu'

    it seems that my k8sm hostname is applyed, but got overriden by systemd. Why is this happen and what need to be done to set the hostname correctly for DHCP? The target is to reach the machine using k8sm.k8s.home in this example.

    hostnamectl shows me the correct hostname in the VM

    root@k8sm:~# hostnamectl status
    Static hostname: k8sm.k8s.home
    Icon name: computer-vm
    Chassis: vm
    Machine ID: 001637a6a5e0410f923cb082af1953d2
    Boot ID: 853577fa58844d8e900c107cfb0c1dde
    Virtualization: kvm
    Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
    Kernel: Linux 4.15.0-50-generic
    Architecture: x86-64

    Both host and VM runs 18.04 LTS with KVM 2.11.1.

    Another approach I tried

    preserve_hostname: true
    - hostnamectl set-hostname k8sm
    - hostnamectl set-hostname k8sm --static

    The idea was to skip cloudinits hostname setting with preserve_hostname and set it manually (later), but the result is the same: VM got registered as ubuntu instead of its new hostname.

    share|improve this question




      For a testing environment, I want to connect multiple VMs using DHCP with their hostnames as DNS entrys. The troubleshooting shows that my DNS/DHCP works. But the VM got registered using ubuntu as hostname instead of my own (k8sm in this example):

      root@k8sm:~# ping k8sm -c1
      PING k8sm ( 56(84) bytes of data.
      64 bytes from ubuntu.k8s.home ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.019 ms

      Using my k8sm hostname, I didn't get an IP when trying dig +short k8sm.k8s.home @ (where .2.2 is my DNS server).

      Cloudinit user-data

      hostname: $hostname
      fqdn: $hostname.k8s.home

      Which is called from my Terraform config file here:

      data "template_file" "k8sm-cloudinit-data" 
      template = "$file("$path.module/cloudinit/user-data.cfg")"
      vars =
      hostname = "k8sm"

      According to the logs

      root@k8sm:~# grep hostname /var/log/syslog
      Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-resolved[604]: Using system hostname 'ubuntu'.
      Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-networkd[581]: Not connected to system bus, not setting hostname.
      Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-resolved[604]: System hostname changed to 'k8sm'.
      Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm kernel: [ 3.526063] systemd[1]: Set hostname to <ubuntu>.
      Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm dbus-daemon[781]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' requested by ':1.0' (uid=100 pid=581 comm="/lib/systemd/systemd-networkd " label="unconfined")
      Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm dbus-daemon[781]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'
      Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-hostnamed[844]: Changed host name to 'ubuntu'

      it seems that my k8sm hostname is applyed, but got overriden by systemd. Why is this happen and what need to be done to set the hostname correctly for DHCP? The target is to reach the machine using k8sm.k8s.home in this example.

      hostnamectl shows me the correct hostname in the VM

      root@k8sm:~# hostnamectl status
      Static hostname: k8sm.k8s.home
      Icon name: computer-vm
      Chassis: vm
      Machine ID: 001637a6a5e0410f923cb082af1953d2
      Boot ID: 853577fa58844d8e900c107cfb0c1dde
      Virtualization: kvm
      Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
      Kernel: Linux 4.15.0-50-generic
      Architecture: x86-64

      Both host and VM runs 18.04 LTS with KVM 2.11.1.

      Another approach I tried

      preserve_hostname: true
      - hostnamectl set-hostname k8sm
      - hostnamectl set-hostname k8sm --static

      The idea was to skip cloudinits hostname setting with preserve_hostname and set it manually (later), but the result is the same: VM got registered as ubuntu instead of its new hostname.

      share|improve this question

      For a testing environment, I want to connect multiple VMs using DHCP with their hostnames as DNS entrys. The troubleshooting shows that my DNS/DHCP works. But the VM got registered using ubuntu as hostname instead of my own (k8sm in this example):

      root@k8sm:~# ping k8sm -c1
      PING k8sm ( 56(84) bytes of data.
      64 bytes from ubuntu.k8s.home ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.019 ms

      Using my k8sm hostname, I didn't get an IP when trying dig +short k8sm.k8s.home @ (where .2.2 is my DNS server).

      Cloudinit user-data

      hostname: $hostname
      fqdn: $hostname.k8s.home

      Which is called from my Terraform config file here:

      data "template_file" "k8sm-cloudinit-data" 
      template = "$file("$path.module/cloudinit/user-data.cfg")"
      vars =
      hostname = "k8sm"

      According to the logs

      root@k8sm:~# grep hostname /var/log/syslog
      Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-resolved[604]: Using system hostname 'ubuntu'.
      Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-networkd[581]: Not connected to system bus, not setting hostname.
      Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-resolved[604]: System hostname changed to 'k8sm'.
      Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm kernel: [ 3.526063] systemd[1]: Set hostname to <ubuntu>.
      Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm dbus-daemon[781]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' requested by ':1.0' (uid=100 pid=581 comm="/lib/systemd/systemd-networkd " label="unconfined")
      Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm dbus-daemon[781]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'
      Jun 6 19:17:09 k8sm systemd-hostnamed[844]: Changed host name to 'ubuntu'

      it seems that my k8sm hostname is applyed, but got overriden by systemd. Why is this happen and what need to be done to set the hostname correctly for DHCP? The target is to reach the machine using k8sm.k8s.home in this example.

      hostnamectl shows me the correct hostname in the VM

      root@k8sm:~# hostnamectl status
      Static hostname: k8sm.k8s.home
      Icon name: computer-vm
      Chassis: vm
      Machine ID: 001637a6a5e0410f923cb082af1953d2
      Boot ID: 853577fa58844d8e900c107cfb0c1dde
      Virtualization: kvm
      Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
      Kernel: Linux 4.15.0-50-generic
      Architecture: x86-64

      Both host and VM runs 18.04 LTS with KVM 2.11.1.

      Another approach I tried

      preserve_hostname: true
      - hostnamectl set-hostname k8sm
      - hostnamectl set-hostname k8sm --static

      The idea was to skip cloudinits hostname setting with preserve_hostname and set it manually (later), but the result is the same: VM got registered as ubuntu instead of its new hostname.

      ubuntu domain-name-system dhcp systemd cloud-init

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Jun 6 at 20:37


      asked Jun 6 at 19:49


      2584 silver badges15 bronze badges

      2584 silver badges15 bronze badges

          1 Answer





          After some headaches, I realized that the problem got fixed by rebooting the VM:

          delay: now
          mode: reboot
          message: Reboot to apply new hostname
          timeout: 10

          This is working, but conflicts with my Ansible provisioning executing after the machine is created. And it also delays everything. Furthermore, I want to understand why this behaviour occurs. Since the reboot works, I assumed a timing problem instead of systemd: DHCP got the default ubuntu hostname, before cloudinit could apply it. Then it won't get updated automatically. Maybe on the next lease, but I want an instant solution.

          Found an article that explains how to force a release and this worked manually. So I replaced the reboot using power_state above by those shell-commands:

          - dhclient -r
          - dhclient

          Now DNS works as expected without having to reboot the entire machine:

          root@k8sm:~# ping k8sm
          PING k8sm.k8s.home ( 56(84) bytes of data.

          share|improve this answer

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            1 Answer











            After some headaches, I realized that the problem got fixed by rebooting the VM:

            delay: now
            mode: reboot
            message: Reboot to apply new hostname
            timeout: 10

            This is working, but conflicts with my Ansible provisioning executing after the machine is created. And it also delays everything. Furthermore, I want to understand why this behaviour occurs. Since the reboot works, I assumed a timing problem instead of systemd: DHCP got the default ubuntu hostname, before cloudinit could apply it. Then it won't get updated automatically. Maybe on the next lease, but I want an instant solution.

            Found an article that explains how to force a release and this worked manually. So I replaced the reboot using power_state above by those shell-commands:

            - dhclient -r
            - dhclient

            Now DNS works as expected without having to reboot the entire machine:

            root@k8sm:~# ping k8sm
            PING k8sm.k8s.home ( 56(84) bytes of data.

            share|improve this answer


              After some headaches, I realized that the problem got fixed by rebooting the VM:

              delay: now
              mode: reboot
              message: Reboot to apply new hostname
              timeout: 10

              This is working, but conflicts with my Ansible provisioning executing after the machine is created. And it also delays everything. Furthermore, I want to understand why this behaviour occurs. Since the reboot works, I assumed a timing problem instead of systemd: DHCP got the default ubuntu hostname, before cloudinit could apply it. Then it won't get updated automatically. Maybe on the next lease, but I want an instant solution.

              Found an article that explains how to force a release and this worked manually. So I replaced the reboot using power_state above by those shell-commands:

              - dhclient -r
              - dhclient

              Now DNS works as expected without having to reboot the entire machine:

              root@k8sm:~# ping k8sm
              PING k8sm.k8s.home ( 56(84) bytes of data.

              share|improve this answer




                After some headaches, I realized that the problem got fixed by rebooting the VM:

                delay: now
                mode: reboot
                message: Reboot to apply new hostname
                timeout: 10

                This is working, but conflicts with my Ansible provisioning executing after the machine is created. And it also delays everything. Furthermore, I want to understand why this behaviour occurs. Since the reboot works, I assumed a timing problem instead of systemd: DHCP got the default ubuntu hostname, before cloudinit could apply it. Then it won't get updated automatically. Maybe on the next lease, but I want an instant solution.

                Found an article that explains how to force a release and this worked manually. So I replaced the reboot using power_state above by those shell-commands:

                - dhclient -r
                - dhclient

                Now DNS works as expected without having to reboot the entire machine:

                root@k8sm:~# ping k8sm
                PING k8sm.k8s.home ( 56(84) bytes of data.

                share|improve this answer

                After some headaches, I realized that the problem got fixed by rebooting the VM:

                delay: now
                mode: reboot
                message: Reboot to apply new hostname
                timeout: 10

                This is working, but conflicts with my Ansible provisioning executing after the machine is created. And it also delays everything. Furthermore, I want to understand why this behaviour occurs. Since the reboot works, I assumed a timing problem instead of systemd: DHCP got the default ubuntu hostname, before cloudinit could apply it. Then it won't get updated automatically. Maybe on the next lease, but I want an instant solution.

                Found an article that explains how to force a release and this worked manually. So I replaced the reboot using power_state above by those shell-commands:

                - dhclient -r
                - dhclient

                Now DNS works as expected without having to reboot the entire machine:

                root@k8sm:~# ping k8sm
                PING k8sm.k8s.home ( 56(84) bytes of data.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered Jun 6 at 22:05


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